Thirteen Things about LINDSEY
I’m back to Thursday Thirteen-ing! Yay!!!
1. Since I withdrew from grad school, I need to get a job. And I have no idea where to start, cause I thought I wouldn’t be doing this search for another 8 months. Any ideas? Know of any jobs in North Carolina?
2. Now that I’m not going to school every day, I’ve got a lot more time on my hands, and I’ve been accomplishing a lot at home. I’ve sorted through a lot of things and I’ve gotten a lot of cleaning done.
3. With that free time I managed to buy ALL my Christmas presents! As in, I’m done! Unless something pops up last minute, my presents are finished.
4. I’ve also gotten all my Christmas cards addressed – still haven’t written them, but the addressing is done.
5. And since I’m updating on my life and goings on, I should mention that I’ve made progress on my 101 in 1001! Today I am 32.47% through with the time, and I’ve completed 37.62% of my tasks. I’m pretty excited about that! Since I last posted about the 101, here are the things I’ve finished:
6. I completed #2 – regularly updating my faith blog, Reading Red Letters. I would still like to update more often, but I have been doing well thus far, and hopefully it will continue to be this way!
7. My brother Bo is a freshman in college, and #7 on my list was keeping in touch with him. Not only have we kept in touch, but we see each other fairly often – once every other week or so. It’s been great, I’m so glad that he’s up here!
8. I’ve also got #14 down – I’m regularly flossing, LOL!
9. And regularly taking my vitamins (#16).
10. Well, #28 was to set up a new place to live after graduation, but now that I’m not in school, I guess that I completed that one back in July, LOL!
11. With my new budget I’ve maintained saving $5 a day (#32) – hint, I take it out of my account as soon as I get my check.
12. #49 was to maintain cleaning apartment at least once a month. Now I have FlyLady. ‘Nuff said. (P.S. – you should ALL be FLYing!)
13. One of the best things about living with Matt and Ben is that Matt is very into politics, and he knows that in general I am not an idiot, so I can ask as many stupid politics questions as I want and he won’t judge me. So I ask them all the time – check off #51!
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